Communications | Afrique du Sud | Square Kilometer Array (SKA)

William GARNIER is in charge of all aspects of communications and outreach at the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) Organisation and coordinate communications activities around the world with partners from about 15 countries. William has been working in the science communication and outreach fields for 12 years. He first started as a freelance journalist in France and then as a science communicator in major international astronomy organisations. After 2 years at the ESO (European Southern Observatory) offices in Chile, he set up and led the communications department of the world’s largest radio telescope, ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter Array) in 2007. One of the projects he is most proud of is the implementation of an educational programme in a rural and remote village close to the telescope site in Northern Chile, which had a tremendous impact locally not only on the students but on the the entire population, acting as a real boost for the local development. In November 2012, he accepted the challenge to lead the global communications effort of one of the greatest scientific enterprises of the 21st century: the SKA telescope.