Yassine El Ghazali is currently a PhD student at the University of Ibn-Tofail in Kenitra, Morocco. Yassine conducts his research in experimental particle physics as part of the ATLAS collaboration using data collected with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.
Thanks to the scholarship provided by the Sharing Knowledge Foundation and CERN, Yassine will be based at CERN for one year working on the Phase II upgrade of the LHC in particular on the High Granularity Timing Detector, which is a novel detector based on low gain avalanche detector technology that will be installed in the forward region of the ATLAS detector. Yassine is taking part of the group responsible for the development of a control system which is a crucial component with which we ensure a coherent and safe operation of our detector especially during the data taken period, this is done by controlling several parameters, for instance, the power supplied to the detector, temperature, peripheral electronics and so on. Yassine will acquire new skills in cutting-edge technologies by developing the necessary tools needed to ensure these tasks.
Besides his involvements to the hardware development for the Phase II upgrade, Yassine is part of an international team hardly working on analyzing data collected with the ATLAS detector during the period of 2015 and 2018, looking for physics beyond Standard Model, which are phenomena that are currently observed or thought to exist but we haven’t found any evidence yet. Yassine and his colleagues are particularly looking for new physics in the so-called “diboson final states”, which are new heavy particles that have been proposed to solve some of the universe’s mysteries. They are produced at higher energies and decay very quickly to standard model weak bosons.