Article with texts in French and English
Our expert François Piuzzi has made a compilation of open source and initiatives to manufacture equipment to fight against the coronavirus. There are some very interesting things, even if they have to be validated by the doctors before use. It will be very useful when low-resource countries are affected. Sharing knowledge seems to be the leitmotif to move forward with multidisciplinarity.
He also suggests the link to CERN’s actions for COVID-19:
1. Masque de protection avec écran plastique par l’association PRUSA
Lire le texte sur le site où les limites de l’emploi de l’impression 3D sont exposées. Attention à ne pas créer de faux espoirs. La fabrication de ce masque de protection utilise l’impression 3D et la découpe laser, donc à faire idéalement dans un Fab Lab.
Vidéo :
2. 7 projets en source ouverte pour lutter contre le COVID
CHAI Open qPCR DETECTION VIRUS SUR LES SURFACES avec PCR Chai Coronavirus Environmental testing (le test donne le résultat sur la présence du virus en 1H)
vidéo (anglais) :
3. Open PCR
C’est un test PCR, c’est une version DIY du précédent (licence GPLv3.0) . Le but est de démocratiser l’accès aux diagnostics moléculaires.
WildOpenPCR ou PocketPCR par GaudiLabs en Suisse sous licence GPLv3.0 . Gaudi lab a déjà réalisé un certain nombre d’instruments en source ouverte.
Site internet : il peut être acheté à partir de 99€.
Masque sur mesure avec filtre interchangeable: projet dont les plans sont donnés en open-source par l’entreprise d’impression 3D italienne WASP : trouvé sur
3D printed mask with copper
6. Transformer un masque de plongée
Masque à transformer en une partie d’un respirateur non invasif avec l’impression 3D.
The Charlotte Valve 3D printable file available for download. La vanne appellee Charlotte valve est la pièce jaune.
Déjà testé sur un patient sous supervision d’un médecin, les créateurs demandent que l’avis d’un médecin soit demandé avant de l’utiliser.
« Isinnova went ahead and urgently patented the link valve (Charlotte Valve) in order to prevent any speculation on the price of the component. “The patent will remain free to use because it is in our intention that all hospitals in need could use it if necessary,” Isinnova stated. They decided to freely share the file for the realization of the link using 3D printing. Unlike the respirator valve, the link is easy to make, so it is possible for everyone that has a 3D printer to try to print it correctly. Healthcare facilities will be able to purchase the Decathlon mask and then local 3D printing facilities can produce the part. “Our initiative is totally non-profit, we will not obtain any royalties on the idea of the link, nor on the sales of Decathlon masks,” the Isinnova founders clarified.”
7. Vannes imprimées en 3D pour respirateur ( 3D printing respirator valves)
8. Venturi valve modelisation
9. Open source ventilator projects:
Le site suivant donne accès à différents projets mais ce ne sont que des prototypes, attention à prendre l’avis d’un médecin urgentiste pour essayer le dispositif.
10. The Pandemic Ventilator
From Instructable :
Il y a aussi un défi en cours pour arriver rapidement à concevoir un respirateur à mettre rapidement sur le terrain. « An Open Innovation Effort to Design a Rapidly Deployable Mechanical Ventilator » lancé par un hopital du Massachusetts ;
Un équipement à coût abordable :
Open-source project spins up 3D-printed ventilator validation prototype in just one week
12. Open Lung Low Resource Ventilator
The Open Lung Low Resource Ventilator is a quick-deployment ventilator that utilizes a bag valve mask (BVM), also known as an Ambu-bag, as a core component. Ambu-bags are mass-produced, certified, small, mechanically simple, and adaptable to both invasive tubing and masks. The OPEN LUNG ventilator will use micro-electronics to sense and control air pressure and flow, with the goal to enable semi-autonomous operation. open-lung.png
Open Lung on GitLab et
This early-stage project boasts a large team with hundreds of contributors, led by: Colin Keogh, David Pollard, Connall Laverty, and Gui Calavanti. It is shared under a GPLv3.0 license.
One of the biggest dangers in the current Covid-19 pandemic is that the coronavirus that causes it can live for long periods of time on metal and plastic surfaces. This … Continue reading Materialise shows 3D printed door opener for coronavirus containment efforts
13. Accessoire pour poignée de porte pour ouverture sans main
Materialise shows 3D printed door opener for coronavirus containment efforts. The 3D printed hands-free door opener eliminates direct contact with handle.
14. Couture pour masques
Video :
15. Plan C from Maker Space
“Plan A” is the federal government promptly using its emergency power to take over factories to produce needed equipment. President Trump could authorize the Defense Production Act to do so, but he has been slow to do it. “Plan B” is America’s private industry, stepping up to produce equipment and supplies in their factories. GM and Tesla each declared interest in doing so, but many of America’s largest companies don’t have factories nor the design and manufacturing talent. Of the five companies that sell ventilators, only the two smallest manufacture them in the US. An additional problem for manufacturing these devices is our dependence on a China-based supply chain that is unable to meet demand.
That leaves us with “Plan C”: groups of independent makers, entrepreneurs and innovators who are organizing online to provide alternative solutions. Many of them are excited by the prospect of creating open designs and rapidly producing ventilators in makerspaces. Individual examples of DIY solutions can be found online, such as a 10-year old design by Clarence Graansma. His project, as described on Instructables, was presciently called The Pandemic Ventilator, and was made of wood, using a ziplock bag as a bellows. Graansma years ago recognized the need for an improved design and began connecting with other makers.
Journal 10 BOSTON
“Slavin said a company in Italy has figured out a way to make masks using 3D printers.
“We have vast numbers of 3D printers in this country,” he said. “The formula for producing these masks is available online for free. I would hope companies across the country would, who would have that capability, would start making masks later this afternoon.”
Vice President Mike Pence said after changes in law Wednesday night, industrial masks can now be sold directly to hospitals.
“Those companies have now greatly increased, by the tens of millions, their production of so-called N95 masks that will give our health care workers the protection that they need,” Pence said.
16. Désinfection avec UV
17. Autres initiatives
18. Initiatives de deux pays européens
Grande Bretagne: