Philippe Delleur shares with us an interesting article on income inequality in sub-Saharan Africa published by UNDP and edited by Ayodele Odusola, Giovanni Andrea Cornia, Haroon Bhorat and Pedro Conceição.
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) recorded a remarkable economic performance in the first 15 years of the 21st Century. Such an encouraging trend, which reversed the stagnation or decline of the prior 25 years, was accompanied by a perceptible, modest, but uneven decline in aggregate poverty, together with substantial cross-country variation in the poverty-reducing power of growth. This is reflected in, and partially driven by, the variation of inequality levels and trends among the African countries. Proper documentation of inequality levels and trends in the region is therefore essential to better understand the slow and varying rate of decline of poverty reduction in the region…
Read more: Overview-Income inequality Trends SSA-EN-web