Under the High-Patronage of the Tunisian Minister of Investment and International Cooperation, M. Riadh Bettaieb. The conference took place at Mövenpick Hotel, Gammarth.
Biographies of interveners: Listes IntervenantsTunisie
List of participants: ListeParticipantsTunisie
Click here to watch the videos of the conference. You can choose the English version or the French version.
Discussions and conclusions of the conference led to the following recommendations: RecommendationsEN2012.
17 May AM
Discours de Robert Klapisch See PDF
Fondation Partager le Savoir
Robert KLAPISCH entre au CNRS en 1956 dès sa sortie de l’Ecole de Physique et Chimie de Paris. Son travail de thèse dirigé par René Bernas (élève de A.O. Nier, et pionnier de la Spectrométrie de Masse en France) concerne la nucléosynthèse des éléments légers Lithium Beryllium et Bore et le mystère de leur survie alors qu’ils devraient disparaître par fusion. Pour cela, il utilisera les accélérateurs du CERN et participera à ses Comités Scientifiques. Il quitte le CNRS en1981 lorsque Herwig Schopper, DG du CERN lui propose de devenir Directeur de la Recherche (1981-1987). Carlo Rubbia, le nouveau DG (1989-1993), le prend comme Conseiller et le charge de moderniser la communication du CERN. Il organisera l’inauguration du LEP en 1989 et dirigera un Pavillon à l’Expo de Séville en 1992. A la fin du mandat de Rubbia, il s’associe au projet Amplificateur d’Energie, une approche novatrice de l’énergie nucléaire (1993-1997). En 2002, il est nommé par le Président Chirac au Comité Coppens préparant la « Charte de l’Environnement », qui fait maintenant partie de la Constitution française. Président de l’Association Française pour l’Avancement des Sciences (2000-2003), il propose un Dialogue Nord-Sud entre les scientifiques de l’Europe et ceux des pays moins développés d’Afrique et du Moyen Orient. Ceci le conduira à créer en 2006 la Fondation “Partager le Savoir” ou “Sharing Knowledge Foundation” (SKF), qu’il préside. Le Président Sarkozy le promeut Officier de la Légion d’Honneur en 2007.
Robert Klapisch est décédé le 21 mars 2020.
Address by H. E. Mr. Riadh Bettaieb, Tunisian minister of investment and international Cooperation
Allocution de Rihad Bettaieb See PDF
The absolute necessity for a major economic development following the Arab Spring
10h00Round table
Moderator: Henry Marty-Gauquié,, EIB Director, in charge of Mediterranean region, Paris
Alaya Bettaïeb, Secretary of State for International Cooperation and Investment, Tunis;
Jean-Louis Reiffers, President of the Scientific Committee of FEMISE, Paris;
Christian Stoffaës, in charge of Preparing Transeuropean Energetic Transportation Links at the French Ministry of Finance and industry, Ingénieur Général des Mines, Paris;
Yamina Mathlouthi, Economist, “Agence Française de Développement”, Tunis;
Azzam Mahjoub, Professor of Economics, Université El Manar, Tunis;
Moncef Cheikh-Rouhou, Economist, Member of the “Assemblée Nationale Constituante”, Tunis
The role of women scientists and engineers in the economic development
11h30Round table
Moderator: Oum Kalthoum Ben Hassine Professor of Marine Biology, Tunis
Colette Guillopé, Honorary Chair of “Femmes & Sciences”, Paris;Pdf – Guillopé
Sana Ghenima, CEO of Sanabil Med, Tunis;
Mongia Saïd Zina, Professor of Chemistry, Tunis;Pdf – Said Zina
Amel Ben Ammar El Gaïeed, Professor of Immunogenetics, Tunis; Pdf – Ben Ayed
Fadila Darragi, Professor of Geology, TunisPdf – Darragi
Présentation de Oum K. Ben Hassine See PDF
17 May PM
The future energy mix in Europe and in Southern countries: the future of nuclear power
Moderator: Robert Klapisch
Audit of Nuclear Safety in France
Eric Maucort, Director for Coordination, EdF, France
Presentation of Eric Maucort See PDF
Environmental and sanitary consequences at Fukushima
Philippe Guétat, Adviser to the High Commissioner, CEA, Paris
Presentation of Philippe Guétat See PDF
Safe and green energy for mediterranean countries: Areva prospectives
Martha Heitzmann, Senior Executive Vice President R&D, AREVA, Paris
Presentation of Martha Heitzmann See PDF
The future of nuclear power
Jacques Bouchard, Senior Advisor of the CEA CEO, former Managing Director of GEN IV, CEA, Paris (registered video for the conference)
Prospects for Energy Production in Europe
Pascal Colombani, Former CEO of the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Chairman of the Board of Valeo, Paris
Presentation of Pascal Colombani See PDF
The future of fossils and renewables
Moderator: Mohamed Safi, “Ecole d’Ingénieurs”, Tunis
Presentation of Mohammed Safi See PDF
Renewable Energy and Fossils in Tunisia
Mohamed Lamine Chakhari, Minister of Business and Industry, Tunis
The Italian Program for Renewable Energy
Salvatore Moretta, Center Medrec, Tunis
Presentation of Salvatore Moretta See PDF
End of Session
18 May AM
Energy for Africa
Moderator: Christian Stoffaës, Paris
The new African gas resources
Bruno Weymuller, Former member of the Executive Committee of Total, Paris
Presentation of Bruno Weymuller See PDF
Bruno Weymuller has been Executive Vice President at Total, member of the Executive Committee (2000-2008) in charge of Strategy and Risk Assessment. After joining Elf Aquitaine group in 1981 he has held various management positions in the upstream division both in France and abroad, and has been Chief Financial Officer from 1994 to 2000. He has begun his career in the French civil service at the Ministry for Industry from 1972 to 1978. He joined the Prime Minister Raymond Barre’s cabinet from 1978 to 1981.
He is presently director in the board of the French Energy Council. He is a professor at « L’Institut Français du Pétrole et des Énergies Nouvelles. » and a member of Total Professors Associates. He works on the economics of energy and on the interactions between energy and environment. Bruno Weymuller is an alumnus from the École Polytechnique. He is also a graduate of the École des Mines in Paris. He holds a Master of Science of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Harkness Fellow).
Urban and Regional Transportation
Thi-Mai Tran, Managing Director Morocco & Tunisia, Alstom Transport, Rabat
Presentation of Thi Mai Tran See PDF
African countrysides: Addressing extreme poverty
10h30Bringing Electricity to the moroccan countryside
Khalid Semmaoui, Director-General, TEMASOL, Rabat
Presentation of Khalid Semmaoui See PDF
Rural Electrification in West Africa
Erik Houngninou, Project Manager, Cotonou
Presentation of Eric Houngninou See PDF
Appropriate technologies for Africa: medical equipment
Klaus Schönenberger, Program Leader, EPFL, Lausanne
Presentation of Klaus Schönenberger See PDF
18 May PM
Transporting electrical energy by superconductivity a special IASS / SKF Session
Moderator: Pascal Colombani
Pascal COLOMBANI: chairman of the board, Valeo; also member of the boards of Alstom, Technip, Energy Solutions, and chairman of the advisory board, A.T.Kearney Paris. Dr Colombani has been chairman and CEO of the French Atomic Commission (CEA), founding chairman of Areva, member of the boards of Electricite de France, British Energy, Rhodia, and of Institut Français du Pétrole. He began his career at CNRS in nuclear physics in France and California, and spent twenty years with Schlumberger, the oilfield service company, in the USA, Europe, and Japan. He is regularly consulted on energy, defense, and high technology topics and has been an advisor to the French government and the European Commission.
Why MgB2 has the potential to displace conventional aerial HVDC Power lines in very few years
Carlo Rubbia, Scientific Director, IASS, Potsdam
Presentation of Carlo Rubbia See PDF
Round table with stakeholders
Olivier Grabette, RTE; Pdf – Grabette
Jean Botti, EADS; Pdf – Botti
Giovanni Grasso, Columbus Supraconductors; Pdf – Grasso
Jean-Maxime Saugrain, NEXANS;Pdf – Saugrain
Internet for Science and for Society
Moderator: Abdeslam Hoummada, “Université HASSAN II”, Casablanca
ASREN, the Arab States Research and Education networks
Yousef Torman, Managing Director, ASREN, Amman
Presentation of Yousef Torman See PDF
E-infrastructure for E-science and E-accessibility
Mohamed Jemni, Director of the Computing Center El Khawarizmi, Tunis
Progress in multigigabit Point to Point Connectivity between South Africa and GEAnT. Applications to advanced Radio Astronomy developments
Bruce Becker, South African National Grid Meraka Institute, Pretoria, and Jonathan Quick, Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory, Krugersdorp
Presentation of Bruce Becker See PDF
End of Session
19 May AM
Water is an essential factor for food security
Moderator: Bernard Bachelier, FARM, Paris
Water and Agriculture after the marseilles World Summit: An international debate
Billy Troy, project leader “water” at the Fondation pour l’Agriculture et le Ruralité dans le Monde (FARM), Paris
Presentation of Billy Troy See PDF
Food security in a context of hydric stress: the case of Tunisia
Abdelkader Hamdane, Former Director General of Rural Engineering at the Ministry of Agriculture in Tunisia
Presentation of Abdelkader Hamdane See PDF
Enabling factors for the development of African agriculture
Moderator: Lionel Gbaguidi
Lionel Gbaguidi has been a board member of the Foundation since 2020.
Lionel GBAGUIDI serves as Emergency Management Specialist at FAO-Emergency Management Center for Animal Health. Before joining FAO, he worked as independent consultant for international organizations (FAO, USAID, and USDA) in West Africa on the prevention and the control of Infectious Diseases (Avian Influenza, Anthrax,..), the adoption of the one health approach for public and veterinary health systems in developing countries and on the analysis of agricultural value chains. He received his Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from Tunisia National Veterinary School in 2001. Afterward, he pursued graduate studies in Epidemiology at the Institute of Tropical Medicine of Antwerp (Belgium). He also holds a Master in Toxicology from Tunis Medical School and a graduate certificate in avian pathology from the French National veterinary school of Alfort.
Trading agricultural products between African countries: stakes and constraints
Walid Gaddas Director General, STECIA International, Tunis
Presentation of Walid Gaddas See PDF
ICT for Agriculture: African Experiences and Prospects
Lionel Gbaguidi, Agrivet Partners, Cotonou, Benin
Presentation of Lionel Gbaguidi See PDF
Financing energy infrastructures in Africa
Lionel Zinsou, Président, PAI Partners, Paris
Zinsou-Derlin Lionel
Fondateur, co-Président de SouthBridge, Lionel Zinsou-Derlin est un économiste franco-béninois et ancien Premier ministre de la République du Bénin (2015-2016).
Président de la Fondation de l’École Normale Supérieure, du think tank Terra Nova, du Comité Consultatif de Microcred et Vice-Président de la Société des Amis du Musée Branly-Jacques Chirac. Il est également Administrateur des fondations Ashinaga et Sanofi.
Lionel Zinsou-Derlin a démarré sa carrière en tant que Professeur agrégé des sciences économiques et sociales, enseignant à l’Université de Paris XIII et membre du Cabinet du ministre de l’Industrie et du Premier Ministre, M. Laurent Fabius.
Il rejoint ensuite Danone où il occupe plusieurs fonctions, notamment Directeur du développement, Responsable des opérations des filiales britanniques et américaines, Directeur Général de la division « Épicerie » et membre du comité exécutif.
Par la suite Associé Gérant de Rothschild & Cie, il crée et dirige le groupe sectoriel des biens de consommation ainsi que la région Afrique-Moyen Orient.
Il est ensuite successivement Directeur Général et Président de PAI Partners.
Lionel Zinsou-Derlin est diplômé de l’École Normale Supérieure, de Sciences Po, de la London School of Economics et de la Sorbonne en histoire et en économie.
Alternative sources of water
Modérateur: Miriam Balaban, European Desalination Society, Rome
Balaban Miriam
European Desalination Society
Miriam BALABAN is a graduate in chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA. She is the founder of Desalination, the international journal for desalting and purification of water, and was its Editor-in- Chief from 1966 to 2009. In 2009 she launched the monthly journal Desalination and Water Treatment to accommodate the growing flood of papers in the field and enable prompt publication. She is editor and publisher of the Desalination Directory, the international online database in desalination water reuse. She is the Secretary General of the European Desalination Society with its headquarters in Italy, where she organizes courses, conferences, and workshops in desalination. She is associated with the desalination program – Center for Clean Water and Energy – in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She has received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Desalination Association and Star of Honor from the President of Italy. She has been adviser to the African Academy of Science in establishing the journal “Discover” and establishing the African Association of Science Editors.
The long-term future of desalination based on solar energy
Philip Davies, Aston University, Birmingham
Presentation of Philip Davies See PDF
Renewable Water Resources, Water Reuse and Desalination
Jan C. Schippers, Emeritus Professor, Institute for Water Education, Delft
Presentation of Jan Schippers See PDF
Projects in Tunisia
Abderraouf Nouicer, Directeur de l’Environnement et du Dessalement à la SONEDE, Tunis
Présentation d’Abderraouf Noucier See PDF
19 May PM
The strenghtening of capacities
Moderator: Dominique Gentile
GENTILE Dominique
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM)
Dominique GENTILE. Professeur des Universités, Directeur National des Formations du Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), ancien Président de l’université Versailles St-Quentin (UVSQ) , ancien directeur de l’Institut des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires (INSTN/CEA).
Key competences and the training for tomorrows jobs in a sustainable development perspective
Dominique Gentile, Directeur National des Formations, CNAM, Paris
Presentation of Dominique Gentile See PDF
GENTILE Dominique
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM)
Dominique GENTILE. Professeur des Universités, Directeur National des Formations du Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), ancien Président de l’université Versailles St-Quentin (UVSQ) , ancien directeur de l’Institut des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires (INSTN/CEA).
Training in logistics skills in Morocco
Mustapha Benounna, Former President of the University of Tangiers-Tetouan, in charge of Tangiers-med Institute
Presentation of Mustapha Bennouna See PDF
ESiAC, a new Engineering school in Douala, Cameroun
Jean Ngwem, Program Manager, Alcatel-Lucent, Paris
Presantation of Jean Ngwem See PDF
Participation to International Research Programs
Moderator: John Ellis
King’s College London
John Ellis has been a board member of the Foundation since 2010.
John ELLIS is the Clerk Maxwell Professor of Theoretical Physics at King’s College in London. After his 1971 PhD from Cambridge University, he worked at SLAC, Caltech, and CERN (Geneva), where he was Theory Division Leader for six years. His research interests focus on the phenomenological aspects of elementary particle physics and its connections with astrophysics, cosmology and quantum gravity. Much of his work relates directly to interpreting results of searches for new particles. He was one of the first to study how the Higgs boson could be produced and discovered. He is currently very active in efforts to understand the Higgs particle discovered recently at CERN, as well as its implications for possible new physics such as dark matter and supersymmetry. He also studies possible future particle accelerators, such as the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) and future circular colliders, and is known for his relentless efforts to promote global collaboration in particle physics. John Ellis was awarded the Maxwell Medal (1982) and the Paul Dirac Prize (2005) by the Institute of Physics. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1985 and of the Institute of Physics in 1991, has several honorary doctorates and is an Honorary Fellow of King’s College Cambridge and of King’s College London. He was awarded a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in 2012.
Partnerships for scientific development
John Ellis, King’s College, Londres
Presentation of John Ellis See PDF
End of Session
20 May AM
Preparation of recommendations
General discussion and recommendations
End of Conference