Emergency Management Specialist | Benin | FAO
Lionel Gbaguidi has been a board member of the Foundation since 2020.
Lionel GBAGUIDI serves as Emergency Management Specialist at FAO-Emergency Management Center for Animal Health. Before joining FAO, he worked as independent consultant for international organizations (FAO, USAID, and USDA) in West Africa on the prevention and the control of Infectious Diseases (Avian Influenza, Anthrax,..), the adoption of the one health approach for public and veterinary health systems in developing countries and on the analysis of agricultural value chains. He received his Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine from Tunisia National Veterinary School in 2001. Afterward, he pursued graduate studies in Epidemiology at the Institute of Tropical Medicine of Antwerp (Belgium). He also holds a Master in Toxicology from Tunis Medical School and a graduate certificate in avian pathology from the French National veterinary school of Alfort.