Abdelrahman TAMIMI
Directeur Général | Palestine | Hydrology Group
Abdelrahman TAMIMI has worked in the field of water resources in the Occupied Territories, since his graduation. During the last 25 years the activities were focused more on water resources conflict and planning on the regional and national levels. He was also a member in the Palestinian counterparts to the EC and the World Bank before the establishment of Palestinian authority. He shared an initiation of the priorities and planning of the strategic projects. He also worked as a consultant for institutions working in developing water and environmental projects in the Occupied Territories (UNDP, GTZ, EU, World Bank etc.). He puts more emphasis on water governance, water policy, water institutions, social conflicts and water and environmental conflicts in the Middle East. Additional to that he has worked as a coordinator for many international research projects. He has recently been appointed as a member of National water council and the national reform committee, and the national committee for social agenda and poverty alleviation. He has also been the resource person for climate change adaptation national strategy and a member of water sector strategy. He is the co-author of the report prepared for EU: Mediterranean challenges 2030: he coordinated several multinational projects related to water policy, food security and climate change while working as part time lecturer in Alquds University-Sustainable Development Institute –Post Graduate Program and serving as the Director of Palestinian hydrology group. He is the author of the book “Water Privatization and Regional Political Agenda”. Recently he was elected as chairman of water group in UN-ESCWA.